How to Perform Competitor Research with Craftify AI
Competitor Research Tutorial
Welcome to the Competitor Research Tutorial!
The competitor analysis feature, incorporated within your Business Profile tools, enables you to identify who else is vying for the same keywords related to your business's general content and pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements.
Let's get started:
Step 1: Business Profile
You'll start in your Business Profile > New Craft.
You'll then select 'Craft' under Competitor Research.
Step 2: Enter Your Base Domain
Please enter which domain you would like Craftify AI to research and scrape keywords from.
Step 3: SEO Competitors
Upon entering the domain, you have the opportunity to explore an array of SEO competitors and domains. Choose those that align with your business needs and retain them for future keyword research. These can serve as a handy reference when crafting your social media content, website copy, and blog articles.
Step 3: PPC Competitors
This tool helps discern the competition that is targeting the same keywords for their pay-per-click (PPC) ads as your chosen domain.
You can conserve this list for future reference when you're investigating keywords for your advertisements generated via Craftify AI. If you don't use any PPC on your chosen website, then you will see the below. Click 'Skip and Complete' to save your research.
Step 4: Exporting The Results
Once you have your two lists ready, you can choose to duplicate the text or HTML. Alternatively, you can also utilize our Smart Editor, download the content in Markdown format, or download it as HTML.
Step 5: Business Crafts
Now that you have completed the competitor research, you can go back to your Business Profile and see the results saved as a craft for future reference.
There you have it!
Within minutes, you've conducted thorough competitive research, providing you with clear insights into who your rivals are for specific keywords. Armed with this knowledge, you are excellently prepared to create compelling content for your business and design effective advertisements.
Happy crafting!